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I International Congress
on Song Dubbing
& Translation for Musical Theatre

9-11 May 2025


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Escuela de Doblaje de Canciones

NICHOLAS SAUNDERS has a degree in Hispanic Philology and is co-author, alongside Iñaki Torre, of the Manual de traducción y adaptación de canciones para doblaje y teatro musical (Translation and Adaptation Manual for Song Dubbing and Musicl Theatre), the first work in Spanish entirely dedicated to this subject. He combines his work as coordinator of Escuela de Doblaje de Canciones and Escuela de Traducción Audiovisual with the teaching of Spanish Language and Literature and of English in Secondary. He organises courses in translation, adaptation and song dubbing, and has given courses and lectures on musical adaptation at the Autonomous University of Madrid, the University of Murcia and the Jean Jaurès University of Toulouse.

He trained in musical theatre at the Escuela Memory of Madrid, directed by Ricard Reguant and Àngels Gonyalons, and as an accompanying pianist with Gustavo Piqué. He has performed as a voice actor in the films Flags of Our Fathers, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and Funny Games, and in series such as Without a Trace, Dexter or South Park. For several years, he directed Broadway Revisited, a musical ensemble specialised in musical theatre concerts, and is currently the pianist and musical director of Tapestry, a tribute to Carole King which performs in various venues in Madrid.



Escuela de Doblaje de Canciones

IÑAKI TORRE holds a degree in Hispanic Philology and is co-author, alongside Nicholas Saunders, of the Manual de traducción y adaptación de canciones para doblaje y teatro musical (Translation and Adaptation Manual for Song Dubbing and Musical Theater), the first work in Spanish entirely devoted to this subject. Currently, he participates as a teacher of musical translation and adaptation for the Escuela de Doblaje de Canciones, and has also taught courses on this subject at the University Jean Jaurès of Toulouse. He combines his job as a teacher with the adaptation of lyrics into Spanish for various theater groups. He has adapted The Last Five Years and Godspell into Spanish, as well as numerous songs by authors such as Jason Robert Brown (Songs for a New World) and Jonathan Larson (Rent) for the musical ensemble Broadway Revisited.

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Universidad de Córdoba

MARÍA DEL MAR OGEA POZO holds a degree in Modern Languages and Translation and Interpreting (Italian-Spanish-English) from the University of Salford (Manchester) and a PhD in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Córdoba. She has worked as a specialized translator of biosanitary and audiovisual texts, and she is currently a lecturer and researcher at the University of Córdoba, focusing her research on audiovisual translation. She is the coordinator of TradAV, a website which offers resources for learning audiovisual translation.

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Oxford Brookes University

ALBERTO MIRA is a professor of Film Studies at Oxford Brookes University, where he teaches classes on Film Styles and Film Stardom. He has translated several essays into Spanish and edited Oscar Wilde's letters for Alba Editorial. He has also published editions of The Importance of Being Earnest and Lady Windermere's Fan by Oscar Wilde, and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee for Cátedra. Among his numerous publications are the essays De Sodoma a Chueca and Miradas insumisas, as well as a large number of articles in academic and popular magazines about Pedro Almodóvar, Eloy de la Iglesia, Eduardo Mendicutti, Jane Fonda, Mario Casas, and others. He is the author of the Historical Dictionary of Spanish Cinema published by Scarecrow Press. His most recent publications include The Pop Musical: Sweat, Tears and Tarnished Utopias and Entre la cámara y la carne. El cine homoerótico en 25 películas. He will soon publish El teatro musical de Stephen Sondheim.

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Georgetown University

ANNA DEENY MORALES is a Latiné librettist, translator, and literary critic. Her works in opera have been supported by the Ford Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, among others. Recent original works include Las Místicas de México, an immersive opera that debuts this year with the IN Series at Dupont Circle Underground.

Deeny Morales has translated poetic works by Raúl Zurita, Nicanor Parra, and Alejandra Pizarnik, among others, and was the Academy of American Poets Judge for the 2023 Harold Morton Landon Translation Award. She is formally trained as a pianist, studied theater at the Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica in Rome, and has a PhD in Hispanic Languages and Literature from the University of California, Berkeley. She is currently a Center for Latin American Studies Fellow in the Humanities at Georgetown University. 

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Universidad de Málaga

DANIEL SOTO holds a PhD in Translation and Interpreting from the Universidad de Málaga and the Université de Montréal, with his thesis titled Reception and Songs in the Translation of Musicals in Spain (2001-2021): A Descriptive and Functional Approach, which he defended in 2022.

In his thesis, he applies a descriptive-queer and functional-multimodal analysis model which updates the panorama of the reception of musicals in Spain and which also reinforces the hypothesis that musical translation is in most cases a form of translation-recreation.

He works as a translator-transcreator of web and audiovisual content, editing, marketing, board games and, mainly, video games, since 2014.

He has dedicated a part of his publications in journals or collective works to applied translation studies in song translation, the didactics of singable translation, and, mostly, the descriptive-functional analysis of the translation of musicals.

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Universidad de Murcia

PAULA CIFUENTES FÉREZ is an Associate Professor at the Department of Translation and Interpreting at University of Murcia, and Vice Dean of Internationalization at the Faculty of Arts since 2022. She is a member of the research group "Translation, Didactics, and Cognition," the teaching innovation group "TRADICO Innova," the TREC Network, the Spanish Association of Cognitive Linguistics (AELCO), and Treasurer of the Iberian Association of Translation and Interpreting Studies (AIETI). Her research interests focus on Cognitive Linguistics applied to contrastive English-Spanish studies and translation, as well as the cognitive processes involved in translation, including personality factors (especially self-esteem, self-efficacy, and creativity) and emotions. She has published numerous academic papers in internationally renowned journals and has presented more than fifty contributions at international and national conferences on linguistics, translation, and educational innovation. She has conducted research stays at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics (Netherlands), Northwestern University (Illinois, USA), the Institute of Cognitive Science (Louisiana, USA), the University of East Anglia (Norwich, UK), and Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland). She has participated in five research projects and is currently involved in two others: "Emotions and Translation: EMOTRA2" (PID2021-123650NB-100), funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and "Thinking-for-audiodescribing. The conceptualization and translation of motion events in audiovisual products" (CIGE/2022/153), funded by the Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Generalitat Valenciana (Grants for the promotion of scientific research, technological development, and innovation in the Valencian Community).


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